Thursday, November 01, 2007

My favorite wedding pictures

I have been wanting to post my favorite wedding pictures. I know that this is kinda late, but I wanted to share.

My loving and amazing immediate family

Bridemaids were excited!
This picture is my favorite of Norman and Joelle at the wedding. I like the black and white and they look very sharp. This picture was put in both of our Portland newspapers in a wedding announcement. I have future posts that I want to post, but I don't want to overload you at once. So I may start updating twice a week. Here is what to look for in the future.
1. A tribute to my Dad
2. More Youth for Jesus pictures
3. Maybe Senior pictures
4. Lifeskills class Cross Project(what the cross means to me)
5. Senior Recognition pictures
This weekend I am planning to go on a music tour. It should be fun. I have a prayer request that I can work out a time to take my driver's license test, which is very much needed! Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Rachel and Eric Nelson said...

I really enjoy reading your blogs! You are a very good writer. Don't worry about overloading, keep the posts coming. I check you blog spot very often!