Sunday, November 18, 2018

Remembering my Grandma

I have thought more about my grandmother recently and miss her. She was the matriarch and spiritual leader in my family. Everyone looked up to her and she was someone that you could always talk to.

She has a special family history. Her grandfather and his family accepted the Adventist message in Norway before coming to the United States.

Her spiritual influence had a big impact in my life and the values that she taught her family carried into my family.

I decided to journal my conversations with her during her last months of her life and I am so glad that I did for they are interesting to read.

Here is one of the conversations:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Special moments were spent with Grandma today. After lunch today I read to her the Sabbath school lesson. It was about the faith of Abraham. I had to read two passages in the Bible to understand the story of Abraham going to the top of Mount Moriah to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. At the end we were both contemplating on how Abraham had a lot of faith to have almost lost Isaac on the altar. But he also had faith to believe and told his son Isaac that God would provide a lamb. I remember Grandma agreeing with me about Abraham's faith and saying "yes". Also, I remembered studying and being taught as a child that Abraham placing Isaac on the altar was an indication of God saying that His beloved Son would one day die on the cross.

Grandma's prayers are beautiful. Today her prayer was, "Lord, thank you for this beautiful day. Help us to surrender our hearts. Thank you for the privilege of hearing this message. Help us to hasten your soon return."

Every day is precious with her. I am so glad I have the time to spend my summer vacation caring for and watching her. It's been a blessing to me.

Another one of my favorite conversations with her was about how she met my grandfather. When I asked her about the details about how their interest for each other developed she said, "Those are very happy memories. Thank you for asking me to recall." They met in Loma Linda, CA and had a lot in common. They both grew up in big cities, Chicago and New York and their families came to the US from Europe. Their mutual love for each other was evident. At the end of the conversation when I said to Grandma, "I really enjoyed talking to you about that." She said, "Well, April. It's my favorite subject."

Here are some of my favorite pictures taken with her and during last years of her life

                              My uncles, mother, and aunt with her at her 95th birthday party
                        (from left to right: Uncle Dave, my mother, Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Albert)

I will always remember Grandma!

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Madison College

There is a special place in Madison, a suburb very close to Nashville. One of the reasons it holds a special place to my heart is because my grandparents attended Madison College many years ago.

This place has Adventist history dating back to the time of Ellen White. Ellen White had an important role in helping the Adventist work to start in the Southern states. She gave instruction to Percy Magan and EA Sutherland about righteousness by faith and true education. True education is physical, mental and spiritual found in the first angels' messages in Revelation 14:7. In 1904 Percy Magan and EA Sutherland who were working at Battle Creek College saw the need for work they were doing there to come to the South.

Magan and Sutherland met with Ellen White and her son, Edson White and crossed the Cumberland River on the Morning Star. The boat broke down in a place called Neely's Bend near Madison. They came and looked at this horrible looking property with rocks. Sutherland and Magan knew about gardening and thought this was the worst kind of soil. Ellen White said, "the Lord has shown me this is where you are going to start your school."

We can find what Ellen White had to share about that experience in her writings, "The work that these brethren [E.A. Sutherland and P.T. Magan] can do because of the experience gained at Berrien Springs, is to be carried on within easy access of Nashville, for Nashville has not yet been worked as it should be. And it will be a great blessing to the workers in the school to be near enough to Nashville to be able to counsel with the workers there." LDE 105.2

Magan and Sutherland bought a farm on that property and started a school with fourteen students. In the school they had a nursing and medical program, industrial work and had a strong agriculture program to grow crops for livelihood. Madison College became an example of true education and was the blueprint of the divine model. It had a work and study program in the school, sanitarium, and a farm for agriculture. The sanitarium was the beginning of the medical missionary work in our church and Ellen White said, "it would be instrumental in establishing the faith of many in Bible truth."

The influence of Madison is far reaching. Some of the students wanted to start other schools like Madison and use what they learned about agricultural methods and community education. All of the Adventist schools in the South were started because of Madison College including Highland, Pisgah, and Georgia-Cumberland academies. Also, several Adventists have started medical missionary programs here in the States and around the world. It was also the beginning of ASI (Adventist Laymen's Services & Industries).

On a personal note my grandfather, Albert Dittes was not an Adventist growing up. He lived in New York and wanted to become a doctor. His second cousin, Frances Dittes was teaching dietetics at Madison College. She encouraged him to take the pre medical program. As a result of his time at Madison College he became an Adventist.  He then went to medical school at Loma Linda and met my grandmother, Elinor Steen. He came back to TN after medical school to practice. My grandmother also took some classes there after they were married to further her career. My family owes a lot to the mission of Madison College.

In conclusion Madison College was the model of true education that has spread to our whole church in school systems, medical missionary work, and agriculture. Our church is spreading the three angels' messages through this work. May we remember the work of our pioneers and the special history behind Madison College.