Friday, April 21, 2006

Stephen's birthday

Hello Everyone! I had a great weekend. And now here is another one. Last weekend was nice we went to Portland church it was nice to see everyone. I gave Superitendent's remarks for Mom since she was not to full strength. I talked about the health message and what Ellen White has to say about meat . It is interesting what she has to say.I will share with you later. Then, Sabbath afternoon we went back to the church . We helped Jean Sellars fold bible study cards with Steps to Christ books to hand out to the community. Sunday afternoon was Easter. Stephen's birthday was Tuesday, but we celebrated it on Sunday instead because I have a really busy school schedule. We enjoyed having him home. Mom fixed her best spaghetti, salad, bread, and yum yum cherry pie. Then we gave him presents and cards. Mom gave him some new pants, and I gave him a book on the biography of Steve Wohlberg. He said he like read biographies. Which I do to. I'm glad to have three special brothers to look up to. I can't believe he is 31. I consider that young. I am starting to feel older. I turn 17 in August. I have looked at 18 as a long ways away and now it is only a couple years away. This week was busy. I dissected a starfish in Biology and I took a lab test on it today. Dissecting is fun. I learned something new about starfish they can regenerate their rays if they are broken off. That is cool. Just think if we humans were like that. I think I have written enough. Have a blessed Sabbath!


Tim said...

You gave Stephen a biography about Steve??


Joelle said...

Sounds like Stephen had a good birthday. And wow, good going on the superintendent's remarks! You'll have to share your remarks with us sometime.