Sunday, September 16, 2007

Youth for Jesus 2007

This time I will share a couple of pictures from Youth for Jesus. What a blessing the program was in my life. Now I have a mission to do Bible work in my hometown. Yesterday, Aaron and I for the first time together went on outreach to a neighborhood close to where we live. We did surveys and loaned two Final Events dvds. The two ladies we loaned them to were interested in what we had. The first one didn't know her Bible well, but wants to learn more. Next week we will do followups!
These are the girls I stayed with a month in one big classroom. We became close to each other, and grew more spiritually.Chelsea Jourdan and Katie Jaeger were are deans. We gave them cards and flowers on the last night.

The group of Bible workers and youth at New Albany church. How I miss that church!

Over all there were 77 baptisms the baptismal night! And I think 145 commitments for baptism. There is one story I want to share. Sondra had a dream one night. She dreamed that there was a banged up white car in front of her house. Then, there were two guys that came to her door. I kind of quiet, the other talkative. The next day two of our Bible workers from New Albany knocked on her door. She told them the dream. They invited her to come to our evangelistic meetings. She came and was interested. She is a religious studies teacher in college. When we were there , there were some things that she was struggling with and she got discouraged. Praise the Lord she is now going to be baptized! Our Bible coordinator stayed for two more months to do follow up work and more are getting baptized! God still gives dreams today. Like I said before my passion will not end, and Aaron and I are planning to sow seeds in Portland, Tn this year!


Melanie said...

I'm glad you experienced Youth for Jesus! What a priveledge. It's even better that you are taking what you learned and putting it into practice in your own neighborhood. Praise God! Keep witnessing for Jesus April!!

Norman McNulty said...

God is using you to do a great work. Keep witnessing for him.