Saturday, January 03, 2015

Happy New Year - 2015!

Happy New Year to all!

I wrote a post back in July that I was going to start blogging again weekly. I'm sorry that I have not been able to do that and have been busy these last several months.

I really miss my academy years when my brothers, Joelle, Tim, and I would write weekly blogs and keep up with each other on it. There were other friends on here that I also enjoyed connecting with!

I'm determined to start up on the trend again in this year, 2015.

If there is any one else out there in the blogging world that would like to be my blogging pal, feel free to let me know. I thoroughly enjoy writing, and also enjoy dialoging with others about various issues and things that currently affect our lives.

It seems that everyone has switched to social networking with each other on Facebook. Facebook has a lot good. I do feel that there are lot of things that you can share on Blogger, that you can not share as well on Facebook. Facebook is more of brief "status updates", but is also great for staying connected with hundreds of friends that you don't see on a day to day basis, and keeping up with their lives.  I miss the art of sharing about things in my personal life through writing and blog posts that Facebook can not always share as well.

This last year I resolved to stay off Facebook, and limit my time on it to once a day. It was a blessing to have more time in the day, and to engage myself in learning about other things. I also broke a bad addiction, and was able to have a clearer mind to accomplish other things and have closer relationship with the Lord.

Personal goals for the new year (2015):

1. Spend more time in Scripture memorization; and personal ministry (i.e. urban evangelism, giving Bible studies, and passing GLOW tracts)

2. Exercise 3 times per week, and drink more water!

3. Obtain my LMSW.

4. Research as much as I can on comprehensive urban evangelism; (I have already started this)
     (a) Finish writing a Facebook blog post on comprehensive urban evangelism: and combining it with the medical work and Social work.
    (b) develop an urban evangelism model for a city in the Nashville area (with the help of professionals).

5. Pass out glow tracts in the Nashville area (including Gallatin, Hendersonville, and Goodlettsville), and reach the GYC Glow challenge.

6. Start giving Bible studies to 2-3 people in the year of 2015.

7. Paint the walls in my bedroom.

8.  Print all the pictures from my college years and place in the album Aunt Mary gave me as a graduation gift.

9. Print my college and graduate years pictures and place in album Joelle gave me as a graduation gift.

- I am going to keep a tract record weekly on this blog to see how I am achieving these goals.

I look forward to sharing weekly updates with you!

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