Sunday, February 03, 2008

SEYC,National Honors Society, and music tour

Yesterday, I safely returned home. It is really nice to be back in my own home, and bed. We had a successful music tour, we did 14 concerts! We went to Snowshoe mountain, in West Virginia and I learned how to ski. It is a lot harder than I had expected. It was fun, but not so fun when I fell down. Also, two weeks ago Aaron and I went to SEYC at Southern. We gained such a blessing from it, it was great to hang out with Tim, Sunny, and Adrian. Since I didn't go to GYC, this was a treat. We saw a lot of other people we knew as well. I'm looking forward to going there next year! I was talking to a girl that is apart of the Bible workers club. I would like to join that, and also there is a new church plant in downtown chattanooga led out by SEYC students that I would like to attend. Then, the same weekend I had to help put on the National Honor's Society induction and banquet. It was a bit stressful, but it turned out really nice. Enjoy the pictures below.

A view of the mountains at Snowshoe

National Honor Society officers 2007-2008
Candace(Pastor),David (Secretary), April( President)

My role as president during the induction was to read the NHS Pledge, with the new inductees repeating after me, and then I announced their names as they received their certificates.

Our NHS banquet's theme was chinese. It looked really nice!

This the table I was at with my friends.

NHS inductees, and current members for 2007-2008.


Tim said...

It was great to see you and Aaron at SEYC! Now it's time for you to come visit us at SWYC!

April McNulty said...

Yes, I would really like to do that, I'll think about it. I hope you are having a nice weekend!

Norman McNulty said...

Looks like you're keeping busy and that God is blessing you. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you.