Friday, January 04, 2008

A New Year-2008

As I reflect on the past year, I think of how it has been one of the best years in my life! The Lord has been very good to me and has given me the opportunity to be apart of the program Youth for Jesus. It really changed my life, and I now have a vision to do Bible work in the future when I'm done with school. Then, when that was all over I came back home for a couple of days and repacked my suitcases to go to Norman and Joelle's wedding. What a tremendous day that was, and on the ride home with the rest of my immediate family- I remembered Stephen and Aaron saying that was one of the best days we had for our family. We are very happy to have Joelle apart of our family. I am also thankful that I completed another semester of school, and only have 5 months of school till I graduate! You are all invited by the way! I also think of the new goals that I have set for myself for the upcoming year and hope I will be able to accomplish them. Also, I pray that God will lead me into the career that will best serve him, and fit my personality. I'm looking forward to another year. May we finish the work so we can draw closer to His soon return!

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