Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thoughts on Valentine's Day

Today started out beautifully. I woke up to the aroma of strawberry muffins. My roommate, Liesse was so sweet and made some for my Heidi and I. A cheerful way to start the day. As the day
went I worked in one of the buildings on campus and a girl had just received a bouquet of flowers. I mingled with close friends at lunch. I could see out of the corner of my eye couples giggling and hugging each other. Today represented happiness and love. After lunch, I scurried to take my seat at Bel Canto and colors of red and pink, purple filled the room.

As I reflect on today, "God's love was shown through the students wherever I was". I know that God's love is immeasurable compared to any relationship or happiness or source of joy found here on earth. I'm incredibly thankful for my family, and my best and dearest girl friends who have supported me along the journey.

Happy Valentines's Day!

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