Sunday, April 10, 2011

Missions this summer!

This weekend was reviving for me. I decided at the beginning of the school year to go on a mission trip with the Evangelistic Resource Center. After attending orientation meetings I am pumped up to Share Him to others! I can't wait to share Bible doctrines and the beauty of understanding God's word in these times to my audience. I pray that many will come and desire to accept Jesus for themselves. My roommates went to ARME Bible camp this weekend and were incredibly blessed. Ivor Myers, Taj Pacleb, Calvin Kim, Dr. Paul Ratsara were the presenters. Truly revival and reformation is occuring in our church. I can see the spirit working on hearts here on campus and have seen transformations in their lives. There is a movement that exists in our church. My roommate, Becca was sharing with me that after this weekend she really has a desire to be an evangelist for the Lord. I want to be an evangelist too! We both agreed that there is nothing, I mean NOTHING more fulfilling than sharing the gospel with others and seeing what happens in their lives. It would be a dream for me to be a international singer and share the gospel with others. Right now, I have a callling to make a difference in people's lives on a individual basis but helping them with their emotional and spiritual needs. I want to use what I learn this summer to help me to continue to witness to others personally. Nothing is more fulfilling than serving Jesus!

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