Sunday, June 20, 2010

In honor of my Dad

Today is Father's day. I thought about my dad throughout the day. It isn't the same without having him around here. There are many a time when I would like to ask a question, or seek guidance from him. I miss having the friendship that a Dad and daughter share. He was intelligent, hard working, and most importantly a godly leader in the family.

One of the happy memories I have of him was when we took a family vacation up to Niagara Falls, Canada. He was evangelistic minded and had all of my brothers distributing Spirit of prophecy paper books in the telephone booths. I was a young one, still being pushed in a stroller, yet these were some of my first memories of my dad. When I was around five or six I conducted my own musical Fourth of July program and made my dad listen to all my rehearsals and songs. He had some patience to do that. We both worked on a duet and sang a song about a Kangaroo (it was hilarious). The last years when he was working as a doctor, he was faithful to his job and his patients and co-workers loved him. I remember all his prescriptions,and papers lying on the back seat of his car. I won't forget his sense of humor and how he could make me laugh. Dad was an amazing person and things have changed since he passed away. I can't wait to spend more father-daughter moments in Heaven.

Maybe later in the summer I'll post some more pictures. I'm sharing this picture to honor my Dad.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

What a beautiful tribute. I'm sure your dad would be so proud of you today. Especially taking part in the summer of evangelism program.