Wednesday, May 21, 2008


A lot has happened since I last posted. I've graduated from academy! I am excited about that. Last weekend was a great weekend for our family.It was really nice to have Norman, Joelle, and Aunt Mary with us. It meant a lot to to have them here for this once in a lifetime occasion. We had a lot of good bonding family time. I am really happy to have graduated from Highland. I was ready for a change. I will miss the memories and friends I made there. Sunday we went out to eat at Maggiono's with everyone in our family, and that was so much fun! It was sad to say goodbye to Norman and Joelle, and Aunt Mary. We also went to Centennial Park, and drove through Bell Meade. When I came home I started crying because our house was empty and I realized I wouldn't be seeing my friends for a while. Mrs. Hartman my third and fourth grade teacher wanted to treat all of her students(there were 8 of us) to Sonic last night. So I got to see my close friends again! It was fun talking about funny stories that happened back then. Then, she wrote all of us a letter about the memories she had of us. Thanks to Aaron I now have a digital camera! It will be a lot easier for me to take pictures, and share them with you. So these are my the pictures I have taken since graduation. Stay tuned later for my graduation pictures

Some roses have bloomed in front of the McNulty's house
We've gone to school together since 4th grade. I'm going to miss them.

Candace & I

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Costa Rica mission trip

I had a wonderful mission trip experience. I was nervous about leaving the States, and flying into another country. I discoverd Costa Rica is absolutely beautiful, the people are very warm and friendly, and there is good little group of Seventh-day Adventists in the village of Chitaria

The first Monday night we started our evangelistic series at their church. David Garner and I both preached on salvation.
During the week we built a church that they really needed, and conducted a VBS at the local school. I fell in love with the children. I wish I could of communicated with them better, since I don't know Spanish but I did use what I do know. They would laugh at the way I would pronouce Spanish words, and I would laugh with them

These were the sweetest girls, and I had fun working with them. I helped out in crafts.

Carlie, the pastor's daughter

On our first day off from work, we drove to the Caribbean. There was some construction going on the road, so we drank out of coconuts while we waited.
The people were very grateful to us for building them a church, and were sad when we left.
After we finished building the church, we took 3 vacation days to go to the tourist city of Jaco. Here is the restaurant at the hotel we stayed at.

We ate some delicious food there. In this picture I am eating with my friends,Ben and Nefty.

Our last vacation day, I relaxed by the pool. This was the gorgeous view I had of the palm trees.

With the Weitzel's

The beach at Jaco
Before we went to the village of Chitaria, the Seventh-day Adventist's there met on a cement square slab, with a roof held by poles. There were no walls. Our class put up all the outer walls, and even put up 2 inner walls for the pastor's study, bathroom, and classrooms. We became attached the church people there, and it was sad to leave them. We know that one day very soon we will be reunited with them in Heaven. I am thankful I had the opportunity to go on the mission trip.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Sabbath!

Happy Sabbath everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated. A lot has happened, with traveling to Costa Rica and now I am very busy finishing up my Senior year. On Sunday, I will tell you all about my trip, and put up some pictures. Have a refreshing Sabbath!

The gorgeous beach in Jaco, Costa Rica.