The highlight of the Spring season this year was when ARME Bible camp came to partner with GYC SE for revival meetings on campus! I appreciated their strong emphasis on prayer. The prayer sessions and meetings have been among some of the most powerful revival meetings we've had here at Southern. I've never seen students so moved and on fire to surrender themselves fully to the Lord. I also appreciated the powerful messages given by Andre Waller and Ivor Myers. After the weekend meetings were over students have been continuing to have prayer sessions, and A-units have started on campus. A-units are small groups that meet to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, study the Bible, and plan outreach events. The leadership team of GYC SE want to move forward in spreading the work of ARME through starting more A-units on campus next school year. There are so many opportunities to reach out to the spiritual needs of students at Southern. I praise God for the prayer sessions held at ARME that brought revival to many of the students spiritual walks.
The great controversy is happening now and what a precious time we as Seventh-day Adventists have to finish the work. I feel that too often many of us take for granted the beautiful messages given to us through the three angel's messages in the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy. We don't take the time to share truth with friends, co-workers, and strangers. Or it can even be something as practical as engaging in spiritual conversations with friends. We need to strengthen each other to finish the work. This week during one of my Bible studies I found this verse that could not more relevant to the burden I have felt on my heart for spiritual revival, "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6. My challenge to you is think about how you can engage your conversations Christ centered and point others to Him. It is so easy and enjoyable to talk about the daily matters of life, but how sad that we talk very little of the One who sustains us and who we live for. Also, pray for divine appointments. The spiritual needs of others are all around us. As we talk of Him, and pray for divine appointments God will open doors to reach out to more for Him. There are various other ministry and mission opportunities we can be apart of, but these are some of most practical opportunities we can daily engage in.
Have a blessed Sabbath! - April McNulty :)
Here are some pictures from the weekend. Photo credit: Peter Chung.