A review of the semester...
(1) Sabbath lunch with my ERC Colombia friends and Dr. Jacobs

(2) The third weekend of February was the busiest for me.
(a) First, organizing and hosting the Phi Alpha Honor Society (Social work) ceremony

( b) then Doug Batchelor came to Southern to present "Not Very Far" A tremendous blessing!
The GYC SE team and I
(c) Great Controversy groups booth

(d) The last part of the weekend was Mother/Daugther banquet. It was special to have my Mom here!

Best friends

(5) In March, for a Social work class assignment we hosted "Social Work Month on the Promendade" It was fun and exciting to share the different avenues of Social work and how it impacts others to students.
(5) Senior Recognition Banquet (April 4, 2012) with my dear Norquis
(6) Enjoying a beautiful Sabbath afternoon with Michelle. After Pentecost2 meetings were over.