Monday, May 15, 2017

Reflection on the last five years

It is hard to believe it has already been five years since I graduated from college. I remember being so nervous moving to Collegedale and starting college. I had wonderful experiences at Southern and I made my best friends there. I also appreciated the spiritual environment at Southern.

These are the highlights of the last five years:

1. I had the special opportunity to serve for two years on GYC Southeast as their Secretary. If I had not stayed on do my Master's, I would have missed the wonderful year I had with the GYC Southeast team. We truly became family that year - and will always be!

We took GYC Southeast to a different level that year by partnering with ARME during the Spring.

2. I graduated with my Master's degree in December 2013. A very intense year and half - with classes on the weekends, working as a graduate assistant during the week, and doing an internship at a skilled nursing facility. I am glad that I stayed on to finish my Master's after I graduated. I have that done and behind me and will always have it.

3. following my Master's degree, I had to do some post graduate work to become a licensed social worker. The test I took was challenging and difficult. I spent several hours a day for weeks and months. I am now a licensed social worker. God is faithful!

4. Nashville is a great place to be. I have meet some very nice people in the communities of Nashville in my work. One of the blessings that I have received from living in this area is my church family.
It is nice to have like minded friends in Sabbath school, who care about spiritual things and getting closer to Jesus.

I also enjoy being a part of a choir. Singing is one of my favorite hobbies - and singing songs for Jesus is a blessing.

5. being close to family is the best. I am grateful I can be as close to most of my immediate family right now. I have been able to spend more time with my Mom, uncles, and brother's family and nieces.

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