Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Evangelism in Georgia

I've been down here in Georgia for a week and a half.

Evangelistic meetings are going on at 15 sites. I'm excited about the visitors who have been coming to the meetings at the site I am Bible working at. We had 22 visitors the first night! The sermons are on prophecy and Revelation. It's a message we need to hear for the times we live in.

Here is a picture of the team I'm with. They have been great to work with!



Friday, May 07, 2010


I want to share some pictures from the end of the semester.

Ashley, Emily, and I had breakfast together while working on a school project.

And maybe we had a little too much fun...

A group of friends put on a surprise birthday party for Bethany and Lindsey

Lindsey and Debbie water painting

Some of my classmates from this semester

Suzanne, Debbie, Ashley, and I had a girls smoothie night

I love these girls and will miss them this summer

Taking a walk on the Greenway

Last Sabbath at Southern

It has been great spending time at home this week. The first day back I was at the kitchen table eating breakfast. My Mom said, "Would you like any more strawberries or cantaloupe?" I told her no thanks, but just to hear her soothing warm voice at breakfast left me satisfied. I wasn't my usual self the first couple of days. I had hayfever and felt irritated with some allergies. Finally, I took some Claritin and it helped me feel so much better! It was nice to have some long mother- daughter talks. I miss being with her while I am school. On Friday, I drove down to see my brother Aaron at work in the conference office. We went out to eat and then went to Best Buy to check out some computers. It was simply beautiful to be with my immediate family for a week.

It was a long process to unpack everything from college. Now I am packing again to spend five weeks of my summer in the program, SEYC Summer of Evangelism. I am so excited! We will be getting some intensive Bible work training, memorizing Scriptures, and studying Bible doctrines. Pray for us as we reach out to the people of Atlanta who need to hear God's message.
I will be updating my blog while I am there.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Time with my family

At the end of February I went home for the weekend to spend time with my family. Norman and Joelle were at our house for a week before they left for mission service in Trinidad. On Sabbath we drove up to Somerset, Ky. Aaron preached at the church.

On Sabbath afternoon we drove to see the Cumberland Falls. It was beautiful!

Aaron, Norman, and I

We met up with our friends Daniel and Kristina McFeeters.

The following week, Norman and Joelle came to see me and friends down in the Collegedale area. It was great to spend some last moments with them before they left. We went out to eat at PF Chang's and celebrated Joelle's grandmother's birthday.

I miss Norman and Joelle a lot. I'm glad that they are only a phone call away. They have been encouraging and supportive to me. Over Christmas break Norman and I were studying Daniel and it was fascinating to learn more about the different kingdoms. I want to study and understand more for myself and I look forward to studying more with Norman. Joelle is such a sweet sister-in-law. I love her fun and positive spirit.
May God bless them in their service.