Friday, November 30, 2007

A Surprise Gift

Today, was one of the stressful days. I had to finish a 4 page research paper. I had to make a lot of changes, and other important things to it before 2:12! This week has been hard getting back into the routine of school after an amazing break. Christmas banquet is this Sunday, and I have a date. I am really excited I bought this pink formal dress that is flowy. In English class my friend Candace came up to me, and was like, Beth and I bought you a early Christmas present. I didn't know what to expect. They bought me a pink purse, that matches my dress perfectly! Apparently the day I went shopping with them for banquet dresses they bought the purse when I wasn't looking. That really made my day to know that my friends would go out of their way to give me a nice gift!The Christmas season is here, and in the same way God sent Jesus as a gift to us. Let's remember the true meaning of Christmas this year.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving break

Well, I have been on break since Tuesday around noon. I have been catching up on my sleep, cooking, and scrapbooking. Thanksgiving was a special day. It is our best meal of the year, and my stomach was stuffed when it was all said and done. I've been particuarly busy with National Honor Society. I am the president of the organization this year, and NHS is a service team that helps others. So we decided to have a blood drive in December. We have 32 of the 46 needed to participate. But if we cannot reach our goal then the Red Cross cannot come out. It will be disappointing if we have to cancel out, because by having this blood drive we can help save lives. It makes me feel good to know that. So if you live in the Nashville area consider donating blood, because you are needed! Then we have our honors banquet next month that we have to plan for, it is for the new inductees and their parents. I enjoy doing this, but it certainly keeps me on my toes!
~If you were watching 3abn yesterday, Danny Shelton interviewed Andy Haub. Andy Haub is a member of the New Albany, Indiana SDA church where I did YFJ in the summer! It was so neat to see someone who was at the meetings interviewed on 3ABN. He shared how the Asi meetings changed the church, and has make a positive impact. And he decided to become rebaptized after the meetings were finished!
Next week I have some old pictures to post. I may be really busy with Christmas banquet. So we'll see. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

ASI Youth for Jesus experience

I shared with you all a couple of months ago how the Youth for Jesus program was a blessing in my life. I never shared with you all the photos that I wanted to, and more detail of what my days were like there. If you want to see more on what the experience meant to me go back to September, and click on the Youth for Jesus post.

Here is a picture of the the Youth for Jesus participants. We met sometimes in this gazebo type of building behind the Pewee Valley school. A couple of times we had campfires and sang together, A typical day in the Youth for Jesus was very busy, but spiritually uplifting in everyone's life.
I would wake up and have my devotions.
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Group worship in the Pewee Valley church sanctuary. We would sing hymns. We all learned to love hymns. Sadly, in a lot of places young people are not as enthusiastic about singing hymns. They have so much more meaning and depth to them. These young people were excited and put expression into the hymns. Our favorite song was "Seeking the Lost",373. We sang this on the night of the baptism. After song service we would have worship with one of our Bible workers, and they gave good testimonies and taught us to get into our Bibles.
10:00 We had class. We had many speakers come out to speak to us. Like Chester Clark-music, Daniel, End times, Kevin Sears(our Bible coordinator)-how to give Bible studies,outreach, James Nix-Adventist History, Don MacIntosh-health message,Revelation 1, another person on health, Alan and Nicole Parker- Dating and Relationships, Daniel Mesa- how to study your Bible, devotions, Gary Gibbs- Winsome Witnessing. As you can tell we learned a lot about how to witness and about our Adventist message.
12:00 Jobs- varied daily from helping in the kitchen to cleaning the bathrooms.
1:00 Lunch! We got to interact with the Bible workers at this meal.
2:00 Worship- sang hymns, and scripture songs.
2:30 Divided into our groups to our different sites. I was in New Albany, Indiana. Others were at Jeffersonville, Indiana. Pewee Valley and Shelbyville, Ky, and Magazine Street in downtown Louisville, Ky.
3:00 or later arrived in New Albany. We went with our Bible workers to do outreach and encourage people who had stopped coming to the meetings.
5:00 supper, this was a good bonding time with our New Albany group.
6:00 Preparation for the evening meeting
7:00 Meeting, afterwards we talked about improvements we could make for the meetings, and prayer requests.
8:30 head back to Pewee Valley.
10:15 Worship with all the girls. We all shared our testimony each night. This was led out by Chelsea Jourdan, and Katie Jaeger our girl's deans.

These are my friends Marzanna and Sherene. Marzanna goes to Advent Hope!

Kristen, one of the Bible workers who I became good friends with.

Sorry! I accidentally put this pic in twice. I don't know how to cut it out.

Chelsea and I the night of the baptism.She really cared about the Youth and every night she and Katie would pray for the girls. I appreciated that. The baptism was the best night of all. You could feel the Holy Spirit there. People were crying tears of joy. I was very happy to see the people we had worked with get baptized.

Our chef, Miguel from France. He was very good at cooking vegan meals. They were the best vegan meals I had. We had tasty meals like lasagne, cheesecake, enchiladas, rice and a good sauce to go on top, and the breakfasts were good too!

This is my New Albany group. We all bonded together as a team. The man in the middle of the back was our Bible coordinator, Kalman Roller. The other two on Kal's sides, were Jeremy Wong an Keith Mosier our evening speakers. The girl, Nikki next to me and the guy, Michael next to her were our Bible workers including Keith. The rest were the youth.

Kimberly McNeilus , Nicole, and I

The lady in the middle of this group came to our meetings and was very interested in our church. I think she got baptized after we left,I am not sure. But she did go to our stop smoking classes, and desired to stop.

These two ladies came consistently to the meetings. The girl next to me, Kristin was baptized at the end. It was so rewarding to see her get baptized.I saw her grow and gave her heart to Christ, it was exciting!She gave up her Harry Potter books, and movies.I keep in contact with her now. She is actively involved in the church by helping with Pathfinders.

Becki was also baptized. She gave up her jewelry and never missed a meeting. I was very proud of her commitment to Jesus.
The program was so awesome. I grew closer in my walk to the Lord. I love to see people change in their life. Soul winning is rewarding.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

What the Cross means to me

A month ago in my lifeskills class we did on a project on what the Cross meant us. I decided to use the illustration of a rose in comparison to the Cross. The drawing on the top of the page of I did.Here is what it means to me:

What the Cross means to me is that Jesus has given me hope. One of the hardest things I have gone through has been losing my dad. I've lost a bond,friendship, and security my dad gave. If I didn't have the hope of eternal life in heaven, and seeing my dad again I would be depressed and miserable. Jesus, is like a rose that has a sweet smelling odor. Jesus love has filled my life with peace. Peace to get through trials down here. The thorns on the cross symbolize all the agony He went through for me. To know that someone went through that much agony and pain just for me is indescribable. Like the ridges on the rose, my life has mazes and obstacles. With Christ's help I can get through all the challenges.Jesus love will bloom in my heart if I accept it. What he went through on the cross has given me hope to share with others the hope of eternal life in Heaven.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

My favorite wedding pictures

I have been wanting to post my favorite wedding pictures. I know that this is kinda late, but I wanted to share.

My loving and amazing immediate family

Bridemaids were excited!
This picture is my favorite of Norman and Joelle at the wedding. I like the black and white and they look very sharp. This picture was put in both of our Portland newspapers in a wedding announcement. I have future posts that I want to post, but I don't want to overload you at once. So I may start updating twice a week. Here is what to look for in the future.
1. A tribute to my Dad
2. More Youth for Jesus pictures
3. Maybe Senior pictures
4. Lifeskills class Cross Project(what the cross means to me)
5. Senior Recognition pictures
This weekend I am planning to go on a music tour. It should be fun. I have a prayer request that I can work out a time to take my driver's license test, which is very much needed! Have a wonderful weekend!